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How P. aeruginosa cells with diverse stator composition collectively swarm


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Swarming is a macroscopic phenomenon in which surface bacteria organize into a motile population. The flagellar motor that drives swarming in Pseudomonas aeruginosa is powered by stators MotAB and MotCD. Deletion of the MotCD stator eliminates swarming, whereas deletion of the MotAB stator enhances swarming. Interestingly, we measured a strongly asymmetric stator availability in the wild-type (WT) strain, with MotAB stators produced at an approximately 40-fold higher level than MotCD stators. However, utilization of MotCD stators in free swimming cells requires higher liquid viscosities, while MotAB stators are readily utilized at low viscosities. Importantly, we find that cells with MotCD stators are similar to 10x more likely to have an active motor compared to cells uses the MotAB stators. The spectrum of motility intermittency can either cooperatively shut down or promote flagellum motility in WT populations. In P. aeruginosa, transition from a static solid-like biofilm to a dynamic liquid-like swarm is not achieved at a single critical value of flagellum torque or stator fraction but is collectively controlled by diverse combinations of flagellum activities and motor intermittencies via dynamic stator utilization. Experimental and computational results indicate that the initiation or arrest of flagellum-driven swarming motility does not occur from individual fitness or motility performance but rather related to concepts from the "jamming transition" in active granular matter.
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Key words
swarming,heterogeneous populations,unjamming,stators,flagellar motility,flagellar shut-down,intermittency,crowded environment
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