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Imaging patterns of Lophomonas blattarum infection in the respiratory tract: a registry-based analysis

BMC Infectious Diseases(2024)

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Background Lophomonas blattarum is an emerging protozoan that mostly infects the lower respiratory tract and causes pulmonary lophomoniasis. Radiologic findings in patients with pulmonary lophomoniasis have yet to be studied. Thus, we conducted a registry-based clinical investigation to evaluate the radiologic findings of lophomoniasis. Methods In this cross-sectional study, 34 Lophomonas positive patients were enrolled. Demographic data, relevant characteristics, and radiologic findings of the patients were recorded and analyzed. Results Thirty-four (male = 18, female = 16) patients with an average age of 52.21 ± 20.48 years old were examined. Radiological findings such as Alveolar consolidation (26.5%), Ground glass opacity (5.9%), Centrilobular nodules (23.5%), Tree -in- bud (38.2%), Cavitation (23.5%), Pleural effusion (23.5%), Interstitial opacity (8.8%), Lymphadenopathy (23.5%), Bronchocele (5.9%), Bronchiectasis (29.4%), Nodules (8.8%) and Mass (11.8%) were obtained, that the frequency of all radiological findings was less than 50%. Conclusion In this study, the most common radiological findings in patients with lophomoniasis were tree-in-bud nodules, alveolar consolidation, bronchiectasis, and centrilobular nodules which were mostly seen in the right lung and its middle and lower lobes. Given that the radiologic findings of this disease are unknown, it can be considered in differential diagnosis.
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Lophomonas blattarum,Chest CT scan,Paranasal sinuses CT scan,Lophomoniasis,Radiologic findings
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