Enhanced multi-label cardiology diagnosis with channel-wise recurrent fusion


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The timely detection of abnormal electrocardiogram (ECG) signals is vital for preventing heart disease. However, traditional automated cardiology diagnostic methods have the limitation of being unable to simultaneously identify multiple diseases in a segment of ECG signals, and do not consider the potential correlations between the 12-lead ECG signals. To address these issues, this paper presents a novel network architecture, denoted as Branched Convolution and Channel Fusion Network (BCCF-Net), designed for the multi-label diagnosis of ECG cardiology to achieve simultaneous identification of multiple diseases. Among them, the BCCF-Net incorporates the Channel-wise Recurrent Fusion (CRF) network, which is designed to enhance the ability to explore potential correlation information between 12 leads. Furthermore, the utilization of the squeeze and excitation (SE) attention mechanism maximizes the potential of the convolutional neural network (CNN). In order to efficiently capture complex patterns in space and time across various scales, the multi branch convolution (MBC) module has been developed. Through extensive experiments on two public datasets with seven subtasks, the efficacy and robustness of the proposed ECG multi-label classification framework have been comprehensively evaluated. The results demonstrate the superior performance of the BCCF-Net compared to other state -of -the -art algorithms. The developed framework holds practical application in clinical settings, allowing for the refined diagnosis of cardiac arrhythmias through ECG signal analysis.
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Channel-wise recurrent fusion,ECG,Multi-label classification,Attention mechanism,Feature extraction
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