Adaptive Dynamic Average Consensus Scheme with Preserving Privacy and against False Data Injection Attacks: Dynamic Event-triggered Mechanism

IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(2024)

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It is a critical issue for achieving dynamic average consensus (DAC) in the presence of privacy eavesdroppers and false data injection (FDI) attacks, and this scenario is applicable to intelligent transportation systems. A dynamic event-triggered privacy preserving DAC (DET-PPDAC) control scheme is proposed. Firstly, in a privacy-sensitive scene, different time-varying terms are added to communication states by hiding real information from eavesdroppers. An observer and a compensator are designed to construct a control scheme for compensating for the impact of FDI attacks over a channel between a control signal and an actuator. Adaptive auxiliary variables are introduced for compensating for residual errors owing to asymmetric encryption/decryption functions. Dynamic event-triggered conditions are constructed to reduce the number of data as well as the risk of leakage by eavesdroppers, and continuous monitor from neighbors is removed. Our DET-PPDAC control scheme can also be applied to a directed graph. Stability analysis shows that the control scheme finally achieves DAC with bounded errors and Zeno-free behaviors while satisfying the requirement of privacy preservation. Simulation examples with formation of vehicles are given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed control scheme.
Dynamic average consensus,privacy preservation,false data injection,dynamic event-triggered mechanism
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