Probabilistic Bayesian optimal experimental design using conditional normalizing flows


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Bayesian optimal experimental design (OED) seeks to conduct the most informative experiment under budget constraints to update the prior knowledge of a system to its posterior from the experimental data in a Bayesian framework. Such problems are computationally challenging because of (1) expensive and repeated evaluation of some optimality criterion that typically involves a double integration with respect to both the system parameters and the experimental data, (2) suffering from the curse-of-dimensionality when the system parameters and design variables are high-dimensional, (3) the optimization is combinatorial and highly non-convex if the design variables are binary, often leading to non-robust designs. To make the solution of the Bayesian OED problem efficient, scalable, and robust for practical applications, we propose a novel joint optimization approach. This approach performs simultaneous (1) training of a scalable conditional normalizing flow (CNF) to efficiently maximize the expected information gain (EIG) of a jointly learned experimental design (2) optimization of a probabilistic formulation of the binary experimental design with a Bernoulli distribution. We demonstrate the performance of our proposed method for a practical MRI data acquisition problem, one of the most challenging Bayesian OED problems that has high-dimensional (320 × 320) parameters at high image resolution, high-dimensional (640 × 386) observations, and binary mask designs to select the most informative observations.
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