Direct measure of DNA bending by quantum magnetic imaging of a nano-mechanical torque-balance

Zeeshawn Kazi, Isaac M. Shelby, Ruhee Nirodi, Joseph Turnbull,Hideyuki Watanabe,Kohei M. Itoh,Paul A. Wiggins,Kai-Mei C. Fu


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DNA flexibility is a key determinant of biological function, from nucleosome positioning to transcriptional regulation, motivating a direct measurement of the bend-torque response of individual DNA molecules. In this work, DNA bending is detected using a nano-mechanical torque balance formed by tethering a ferromagnetic nanoparticle probe by an individual DNA molecule to a diamond magnetic field imager. The torque exerted by the DNA in response to bending caused by an applied magnetic torque is measured using wide-field imaging of quantum defects near the surface of the diamond. Qualitative measurements of differences in DNA bio-mechanical binding configuration are demonstrated, and as a proof-of-principle, a quantitative measurement of the bend response is made for individual DNA molecules. This quantum-enabled measurement approach could be applied to characterize the bend response of biophysically relevant short DNA molecules as well as the sequence dependence of DNA bending energy.
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