Relativistic impulse approximation-based compton component of mass energy absorption coefficients (cm2/g) for few materials of medical interest

V Rao Donepudi, E Gigante Giovanni, Tetsuya Yusa, Tako Akatsuka,Tohoru Takeda,Roberto Cesareo,Antonio Brunetti,Nick Schiavon

Applied radiation and isotopes : including data, instrumentation and methods for use in agriculture, industry and medicine(2024)

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Total, whole-atom, individual and integrated Compton scattering cross sections and Compton energy absorption scattering cross sections are evaluated for light elements, such as, H, C, N, O, P, and Ca, with relativistic impulse approximation methods. Most of the phantom materials composed of these elements, which are the basic constituents of biological soft-tissue and attenuation through them, provides potential source of information. Compton scattering cross-sections for few biological materials, such as, H2O, C2H4, C8H8, C5H8O2, C6H11NO, C16H14O3, C55H102O6, [Ca3(PO4)]3Ca (OH)2 of medical interest, have been evaluated with the use of double differential scattering cross-section based on impulse approximation. Utilized these values to evaluate the Compton energy absorption cross sections and Compton component of mass energy absorption coefficients (cm2/g) in the energy region from 0.005 to 10 MeV. The derived results are compared with the theoretical tabulations.
Relativistic,Impulse approximation,Compton,Total cross section,Integrated cross section,Photon transport,Energy absorption and biological materials
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