Versatile Functional Interaction between Electrically Silent KV Subunits and KV7 Potassium Channels

Vijayaram Kumar Renigunta, Nermina Xhaferri, Imran Gousebasha Shaikh, Jonathan Schlegel, Rajeshwari Bisen, Ilaria Sanvido,Theodora Kalpachidou,Kai Kummer,Dominik Oliver,Michael G. Leitner,Moritz Lindner


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Voltage-gated K+ (KV) channels govern K+-ion flux across cell membranes in response to changes in membrane potential. They are formed by the assembly of four subunits, typically from the same family. Electrically silent KV channels (KVS), however, are unable to conduct currents on their own. It has been assumed that these KVS must obligatorily assemble with subunits from the KV2 family into heterotetrameric channels, thereby giving raise to currents distinct from those of homomeric KV2 channels. Herein, we show that KVS subunits indeed also modulate the activity, biophysical properties and surface expression of recombinant KV7 isoforms in a subunit-specific manner. Employing co-immunoprecipitation, and proximity labelling, we unveil the spatial coexistence of KVS and KV7 within a single protein complex. Electrophysiological experiments further indicate functional interaction and probably heterotetramer formation. Finally, single-cell transcriptomic analyses identify native cell types in which this KVS and KV7 interaction may occur. Our finding demonstrate that KV cross-family interaction is much more versatile than previously thought - possibly serving nature to shape potassium conductance to the needs of individual cell types.
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