KAP: Kinetic Augmented Pill Bottle for Vibration-Based Medication Interaction Recognition.

Dong Yoon Lee, Yihong Li,Yue Zhang, Hao-Chuan Wang, Alyssa Mae Weakley,Shijia Pan

Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications(2024)

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This paper introduces KAP, an in-home medication interaction recognition system targeting unintentional medication non-adherence. KAP leverages kinetic-augmented pill bottles that have unique IDs embedded into their acoustic signatures for vibrations generated when they are put down. This enhanced pill bottle can be seamlessly integrated with existing vibration-based in-home occupant monitoring systems to detect and recognize medication interactions. Compared to prior work on medication non-adherence monitoring, such as using specially designed pill bottles, pill dispensers, or scanners, our system is battery-free and non-intrusive, while preserving the original usage of the standardized pill bottles from pharmacies. We design and implement KAP with a 3D-printed kinetic-augmentation attachment and a kinetic model-guided feature extraction and recognition algorithm. We conduct real-world data collection and depict preliminary results to demonstrate the feasibility of KAP.
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