The qubit information logic theory for understanding multi-qubit entanglement and designing exotic entangled states


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We develop a "qubit information logic" (QIL) theory that uses the "qubit information equation" (QIE) and logic to describe the correlation behaviors of multi-qubit entanglement. Introducing the "global information status" and "local information availability", the QIL gives an alternative and natural interpretation of the "spooky action" and the quantum no-communication theorem. Compared to the conventional entropy-based entanglement theories, the QIL directly describes the correlation of each possible pair of qubits and how the correlation changes when other qubits are measured. This makes the QIL more advantageous in describing the correlation properties of multi-qubit entanglement, which is illustrated by studying the dormant entanglement phenomenon. The QIL theory's usefulness is further demonstrated by designing an exotic quantum state where two qubits can be entangled but not correlated in any arbitrary basis. Overall the QIL provides an alternative and intuitive understanding of multi-qubit entanglement that is, compared to the conventional theories, directly focused on the correlation behaviors between qubits and thus more suitable for designing exotic quantum states that may be used in quantum algorithms.
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