Distilling Adversarial Robustness Using Heterogeneous Teachers


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Achieving resiliency against adversarial attacks is necessary prior to deploying neural network classifiers in domains where misclassification incurs substantial costs, e.g., self-driving cars or medical imaging. Recent work has demonstrated that robustness can be transferred from an adversarially trained teacher to a student model using knowledge distillation. However, current methods perform distillation using a single adversarial and vanilla teacher and consider homogeneous architectures (i.e., residual networks) that are susceptible to misclassify examples from similar adversarial subspaces. In this work, we develop a defense framework against adversarial attacks by distilling adversarial robustness using heterogeneous teachers (DARHT). In DARHT, the student model explicitly represents teacher logits in a student-teacher feature map and leverages multiple teachers that exhibit low adversarial example transferability (i.e., exhibit high performance on dissimilar adversarial examples). Experiments on classification tasks in both white-box and black-box scenarios demonstrate that DARHT achieves state-of-the-art clean and robust accuracies when compared to competing adversarial training and distillation methods in the CIFAR-10, CIFAR-100, and Tiny ImageNet datasets. Comparisons with homogeneous and heterogeneous teacher sets suggest that leveraging teachers with low adversarial example transferability increases student model robustness.
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