The rise of single-cell transcriptomics in yeast

Mariona Nadal-Ribelles, Carme Sole, Eulalia de Nadal,Francesc Posas


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The field of single-cell omics has transformed our understanding of biological processes and is constantly advancing both experimentally and computationally. One of the most significant developments is the ability to measure the transcriptome of individual cells by single-cell RNA-seq (scRNA-seq), which was pioneered in higher eukaryotes. While yeast has served as a powerful model organism in which to test and develop transcriptomic technologies, the implementation of scRNA-seq has been significantly delayed in this organism, mainly because of technical constraints associated with its intrinsic characteristics, namely the presence of a cell wall, a small cell size and little amounts of RNA. In this review, we examine the current technologies for scRNA-seq in yeast and highlight their strengths and weaknesses. Additionally, we explore opportunities for developing novel technologies and the potential outcomes of implementing single-cell transcriptomics and extension to other modalities. Undoubtedly, scRNA-seq will be invaluable for both basic and applied yeast research, providing unique insights into fundamental biological processes. Single-cell transcriptomics has advanced our understanding of biological processes by examining individual cell contributions to the total transcriptome. In recent years, we have witnessed the optimization of the single transcriptomics toolkit for yeast, unleashing in a new age in yeast research. image The field of single-cell transcriptomics (scRNA-seq) for yeast has recently emerged. Despite being in its early stages, several methods and library structures suitable for yeast scRNA-seq are already available, catering to a variety of species. ScRNA-seq has revealed a higher degree of transcriptional heterogeneity across several gene programs within isogenic populations. Currently, other modalities for single-cell -omics are not yet available for yeast. These will be essential for achieving single-cell multiomic profiling in yeast.
methods,single-cell transcriptomics,transcription,yeast
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