Pain Mitigation Strategies for Disbudding in Goat Kids


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Simple Summary The process of removing horn buds (disbudding) is painful for young animals. People are increasingly concerned about the well-being of animals, so finding ways to reduce the pain and stress caused by disbudding is important. This review discusses various methods to ease pain during disbudding in goat kids, including using drugs to sedate and relieve pain, blocking nerves, and giving anti-inflammatory medications afterward. It also mentions the potential harm of certain drugs. The recommended approach is to use a combination of sedation, nerve blocking, and anti-inflammatory drugs for the best results in reducing pain. This review ends by suggesting directions for more research to further improve the well-being of young goats during the disbudding process.Abstract Pain mitigation strategies for disbudding in goat kids have gained significant attention in recent years because of growing concerns for animal welfare. Disbudding, the removal of horn buds in young goats, is a common practice to enhance safety and manage herd dynamics. However, the procedure will cause pain and distress if not managed effectively. This review covers the array of pain mitigation techniques currently available for disbudding, including the efficacy of these strategies in reducing pain and stress during the disbudding process, with specific attention to the potential toxicity associated with local anesthetics. The current best practice for disbudding on the farm suggests sedation/analgesia with an alpha-2 agonist, the placement of a two-point cornual nerve block, and then an NSAID for postoperative pain. In conclusion, this review offers recommendations for future research directions aimed at enhancing the welfare of young goats subjected to the disbudding procedure. These suggestions hold the promise of fostering significant improvements in the overall well-being of these animals.
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Key words
disbudding,goat kids,analgesia
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