Impact of truncating diffusion MRI scans on diffusional kurtosis imaging

Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine(2024)

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Diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI) extends diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), characterizing non-Gaussian diffusion effects but requires longer acquisition times. To ensure the robustness of DKI parameters, data acquisition ordering should be optimized allowing for scan interruptions or shortening. Three methodologies were used to examine how reduced diffusion MRI scans impact DKI histogram-metrics: 1) the electrostatic repulsion model (OptEEM); 2) spherical codes (OptSC); 3) random (RandomTRUNC). Pre-acquired diffusion multi-shell data from 14 female healthy volunteers (29±5 years) were used to generate reordered data. For each strategy, subsets containing different amounts of the full dataset were generated. The subsampling effects were assessed on histogram-based DKI metrics from tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) skeletonized maps. To evaluate each subsampling method on simulated data at different SNRs and the influence of subsampling on in vivo data, we used a 3-way and 2-way repeated measures ANOVA, respectively. Simulations showed that subsampling had different effects depending on DKI parameter, with fractional anisotropy the most stable (up to 5
Diffusion MRI (dMRI),Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),Diffusional kurtosis imaging (DKI),Subsampling,Histogram-metrics
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