Perceived barriers to self-collected HPV testing for cervical cancer screening, and knowledge of HPV: a survey of primary healthcare smear-takers across Aotearoa New Zealand.

Sarah Ingamells, Rebecca Bell, Janine Nip, Carrie Innes, Sarah Te Whaiti, Alex Tino, Lynn McBain,John McMenamin,Ben Hudson, Melanie Gibson,Bev Lawton,Peter Sykes

The New Zealand medical journal(2024)

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AIMS:Cervical cancer remains a burden within Aotearoa New Zealand, with 2022 screening rates sitting 12.7% below target. The National Cervical Screening Programme has changed to primary human papillomavirus (HPV) testing for all screen-eligible people, with the aim for home self-testing. Little is known about the readiness of primary care for the change to self-testing and its associated challenges. A pilot HPV cervical cancer screening programme is being conducted in 17 practice centres. The aim of this study is to explore smear-taker knowledge at these centres about the use of primary HPV testing for cervical cancer screening. METHODS:This is an ethically approved questionnaire study, with data from a structured web-based questionnaire sent to all smear-takers at the pilot centres. RESULTS:We achieved a total completion rate of 57.8%. The average score for "Knowledge of HPV" was 56.5% (range=20-100%). The challenges to patient home HPV self-testing were felt to be overall "not at all" to "mildly challenging". Up to 73.3% of participants identified ongoing needs for further education. CONCLUSIONS:The findings indicate knowledge deficits regarding HPV testing for cervical cancer screening and a desire for the provision of further education. Overall, respondents felt that no major barriers to implementing HPV self-testing would occur.
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