Diameter characterization of the principal architectural structures for the Nectarine tree before flowering

E3S Web of Conferences(2024)

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This study aims to describe the variation of the diameter in architecture structure of Nectarine fruit trees located in Sefrou region. This characterization was realized before flowering by metric exhaustive and non-destructive measurements of all architectural organ to the supporting organs of fructification. The study conducted on Nectarine variety of Spring Bright, by measuring diameter of different tree structures: 10 trunk, 40 frames, 1234 underframes from level 1 to level 6 and 1250 of mixed branches for 10 trees that have been labelled and numbered. The characterization of the tree revealed the logic of the plant’s construction, the diameters of the frames and their distribution were grouped in three to four homogeneous classes. The diameter was between 226,97 (trunk) and 7.31 (Mixt branch) mm with a standard deviation between 2.47 for mixt branch up to 23,29 for 1sts under frames .The diameter of the structure of a level is always lower than that of the superior level, but the comparison between the successive structure tree present a regressive diminution percentage in diameter. The diameter of different structures is homogeneous, with a low variability in all levels of the tree structures of Nectarine tree studied.
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Key words
nectarine tree,tree architecture,structure diameter
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