Stealthy Adversarial Attacks on Machine Learning-Based Classifiers of Wireless Signals

IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking(2024)

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Machine learning (ML) has been successfully applied to classification tasks in many domains, including computer vision, cybersecurity, and communications. Although highly accurate classifiers have been developed, research shows that these classifiers are, in general, vulnerable to adversarial machine learning (AML) attacks. In one type of AML attack, the adversary trains a surrogate classifier (called the attacker’s classifier) to produce intelligently crafted low-power “perturbations” that degrade the accuracy of the targeted (defender’s) classifier. In this paper, we focus on radio frequency (RF) signal classifiers, and study their vulnerabilities to AML attacks. Specifically, we consider several exemplary protocol and modulation classifiers, designed using convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and recurrent neural networks (RNNs). We first show the high accuracy of such classifiers under random noise (AWGN). We then study their performance under three types of low-power AML perturbations (FGSM, PGD, and DeepFool), considering different amounts of information at the attacker. On one extreme (so-called “white-box” attack), the attacker has complete knowledge of the defender’s classifier and its training data. As expected, our results reveal that in this case, the AML attack significantly degrades the defender’s classification accuracy. We gradually reduce the attacker’s knowledge and study five attack scenarios that represent different amounts of information at the attacker. Surprisingly, even when the attacker has limited or no knowledge of the defender’s classifier and its power is relatively low, the attack is still significant. We also study various practical issues related to the wireless environment, including channel impairments and misalignment between attacker and transmitter signals. Furthermore, we study the effectiveness of intermittent AML attacks. Even under such imperfections, a low-power AML attack can still significantly reduce the defender’s classification accuracy for both protocol and modulation classifiers. Lastly, we propose a two-step adversarial training mechanism to defend against AML attacks and contrast its performance against other state-of-the-art defense strategies. The proposed defense approach increases the classification accuracy by up to 50%, even in scenarios where the attacker has perfect knowledge of the defender and exhibits a relatively large power budget.
Deep learning,signal classification,adversarial machine learning,shared spectrum,wireless security
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