Research on Resonant Characteristics of Microwave Band split-ring Metasurfaces

Zonghui Li,Ju Gao, Xin Che

2023 11th International Conference on Information Systems and Computing Technology (ISCTech)(2023)

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This paper presents an analysis of the resonance principles of split-ring metasurfaces in the microwave band. We examine the resonance characteristics of U-shaped rings in the microwave band and investigate the impact of different degrees of disorder on the resonance characteristics. For two cases where the polarization direction of the electromagnetic wave is parallel and perpendicular to the opening of the U-shaped ring. The results reveal that resonances of different orders exhibit different responses to positional disorder. In the case of the polarization direction parallel to the opening of the U-shaped ring, the two main resonance modes exhibit different behaviors with positional disorder. The first-order resonance is incoherent and the second-order resonance is coherent. When the polarization direction of the electromagnetic wave is perpendicular to the opening of the U-shaped ring, the resonances also exhibit coherent behavior. Our research findings will effectively promote the development of disordered metasurfaces technology and provide a relevant theoretical basis for the application of metamaterials in the field of remote sensing detection.
metasurfaces,disorder,split-ring resonators,remote sensing
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