Implementation of Solar Rooftop-Experience in India

Ishaan C Saxena,Meikandasivam S

2023 International Conference on Energy, Materials and Communication Engineering (ICEMCE)(2023)

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In India, the main source of Energy generation is Coal/Thermal Power Plants. They account for around 60% of the power generated in our country. However, this is an exhaustible and not an environmentally friendly generating method. The emerging alternatives are Renewable Energy Sources(RES) like Solar PV System, Solar energy, Wind energy. In the present scenario, Rooftop Solar has the maximum installed capacity of around 7000 MW as on October,2022.The need of choosing Rooftop Solar is due to the fact it can be easily implemented atop roofs of houses in residential and easily even in commercial areas. They don’t need relocation of any sort like required in other RE alternatives like Wind, Hydel, etc. The paper discusses the Policy Initiatives, Use of Solar Rooftop, Integration in Indian Scenario and its comparison with the International Experience, Metering Systems-Gross Metering and Net Metering aspects & Challenges, and Impact on Grid. Various initiatives have been taken by the Govt. in this area with schemes like Setting Up Grid-Connected Solar PV Power Projects in various states & island union territories like Andaman & Nicobar, Grid Connected Solar Rooftop programs and many more.National Institute of Solar Energy has predicted the Country’s solar potential to be about 748 GW. National Solar Mission was implemented with the aim of having 100 GW grid connected solar plants by 2022.The decision is in line with India’s goal of having 50% of vehicles powered by electric power instead of fossil fuels. India achieved 5th global position in solar power deployment by surpassing Italy. Solar power capacity has increased by more than 11 times in the last five years to 8 GW in November 2022.
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Solar Rooftop,Regulatory Frameworks,Integration in Indian & International Arena
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