[Impact of the pandemic on various infectious diseases with different epidemiological patterns of seasonality, transmission and age].

Juan Carlos Gascó-Laborda, M Dolores Tirado-Balaguer,María Gil-Fortuño, Gabriela Dorina Deaconescu, Oihana Sabalza-Baztán,Óscar Pérez-Olaso, Iris Gómez-Alfaro,Noelia Hernández-Pérez,Juan B Bellido-Blasco

Revista espanola de salud publica(2024)

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OBJECTIVE:The COVID-19 pandemic has had a strong impact on other infectious diseases. The aim of this paper was to analyze the epidemiological changes that occurred during the pandemic in eight infectious diseases with different epidemiological patterns: influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, rotavirus, pneumococcus, Campylobacter, non-typhoid Salmonella, gonorrhea and herpes zoster. METHODS:From the Microbiological Surveillance Network, the time series of cases was traced from January 2017 to March 2023. Three periods were distinguished: reference, pandemic and beginning of the post-pandemic. The distribution by age and sex in these periods was analyzed. Incidence rates and rate ratios (RR) were calculated. These RRs and their 95% confidence intervals were estimated overall and by year of age in children under five years of age. RESULTS:Statistically significant differences were found in the impact that the pandemic had on each of these diseases. Some, after a period of epidemic silence, have revealed an intense post-pandemic rebound. The post-pandemic global RT increased for influenza (2.4), RSV (1.9) and gonorrhea (3.1); rotavirus recovered its pre-pandemic level (1.07); and pneumococcus (0.84), Campylobacter (0.83) and Salmonella (0.60) decreased. In children under 5 years of age, the patterns were specific and heterogeneous for each disease. CONCLUSIONS:The impact of the pandemic is very different in these diseases. Pediatric and respiratory-transmitted seasonal viral infections are the ones that are most affected, but with different patterns of recovery to normality. Gastrointestinal bacterial infections suffer fewer variations, except for rotavirus. Gonorrhea do not interrupt its increasing trend seen in the pre-pandemic. Shingles show a slight post-pandemic increase. Several diseases with different epidemiological patterns have been studied for a sufficient period to observe how the acute phase of the pandemic emerges.
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