Evaluation of electromagnetic propagation models for wireless communications in vegetated and short-grass environments

Camilo Esquea-Osorio, Andres Alvarez-Ortega, Angelo Joseph Soto-Vergel, Andrés Eduardo Paez,Dinael Guevara

2023 IEEE Colombian Caribbean Conference (C3)(2023)

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This study compares the performance of two wireless communication technologies, XBee and LoRa, for monitoring variables in a Wireless Sensor Network. The experiments were conducted in an uncontrolled environment with vegetation and short grass. The received Signal Strength Indicator was measured at different distances by varying the separation between the receiver and transmitter. The data obtained were used to evaluate different electromagnetic propagation models and determine the best-fit model for each data pattern. Statistical measures such as standard deviation and mean square error were used to assess the optimal propagation pattern for this specific environment. These findings provide valuable insight into the performance of XBee and LoRa in Wireless Sensor Network applications, which can help inform the future development and implementation of wireless communication technologies.
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Key words
standard deviation,received signal strength indicator,LoRa,two-ray model,short grass,packet loss,path loss,propagation,wireless sensor network,XBee
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