CoFRIDA: Self-Supervised Fine-Tuning for Human-Robot Co-Painting


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Prior robot painting and drawing work, such as FRIDA, has focused on decreasing the sim-to-real gap and expanding input modalities for users, but the interaction with these systems generally exists only in the input stages. To support interactive, human-robot collaborative painting, we introduce the Collaborative FRIDA (CoFRIDA) robot painting framework, which can co-paint by modifying and engaging with content already painted by a human collaborator. To improve text-image alignment, FRIDA's major weakness, our system uses pre-trained text-to-image models; however, pre-trained models in the context of real-world co-painting do not perform well because they (1) do not understand the constraints and abilities of the robot and (2) cannot perform co-painting without making unrealistic edits to the canvas and overwriting content. We propose a self-supervised fine-tuning procedure that can tackle both issues, allowing the use of pre-trained state-of-the-art text-image alignment models with robots to enable co-painting in the physical world. Our open-source approach, CoFRIDA, creates paintings and drawings that match the input text prompt more clearly than FRIDA, both from a blank canvas and one with human created work. More generally, our fine-tuning procedure successfully encodes the robot's constraints and abilities into a foundation model, showcasing promising results as an effective method for reducing sim-to-real gaps.
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