Bipartite mutual information in classical many-body dynamics


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Information theoretic measures have helped to sharpen our understanding of many-body quantum states. As perhaps the most well-known example, the entanglement entropy (or more generally, the bipartite mutual information) has become a powerful tool for characterizing the dynamical growth of quantum correlations. By contrast, although computable, the bipartite mutual information (MI) is almost never explored in classical many particle systems; this owes in part to the fact that computing the MI requires keeping track of the evolution of the full probability distribution, a feat which is rarely done (or thought to be needed) in classical many-body simulations. Here, we utilize the MI to analyze the spreading of information in 1D elementary cellular automata (CA). Broadly speaking, we find that the behavior of the MI in these dynamical systems exhibits a few different types of scaling that roughly correspond to known CA universality classes. Of particular note is that we observe a set of automata for which the MI converges parametrically slowly to its thermodynamic value. We develop a microscopic understanding of this behavior by analyzing a two-species model of annihilating particles moving in opposite directions. Our work suggests the possibility that information theoretic tools such as the MI might enable a more fine-grained characterization of classical many-body states and dynamics.
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