Dynamics of microbial functional guilds involved in the humification process during aerobic composting of chicken manure on an industrial scale

Jie Yang, Zhe Du,Caihong Huang,Wei Li,Beidou Xi,Lin Zhu, Xinxin Wu

Environmental Science and Pollution Research(2024)

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Proper composting treatment of poultry manure waste is recommended before its use as a fertilizer. This involves many bioprocesses driven by microorganisms. Therefore, it is important to understand microbial mechanisms behind these bioprocesses in manure composting systems. Many efforts have been made to study the microbial community structure and diversity in these systems using high-throughput sequencing techniques. However, the dynamics of microbial interaction and functionality, especially for key microbial functional guilds, are not yet fully understood. To address these knowledge gaps, we collected samples from a 150-day industrial chicken manure composting system and performed the microbial network analysis based on the sequencing data. We found that the family Bacillaceae and genus Bacillus might play important roles in organic matter biodegradation at the mesophilic/thermophilic phases. Genera Virgibacillus, Gracilibacillus, Nocardiopsis, Novibacillus, and Bacillaceae_BM62 were identified as the key ones for humic acid synthesis at the mature phases. These findings improve our understanding about the fundamental mechanisms behind manure composting and can aid the development of microbial agents to promote manure composting performance.
Manure composting,Humification,Microbial network analysis,Microbial interaction,Microbial functional guilds
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