Transversity generalized parton distributions in spin-3/2 particles


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The definitions of the quark and gluon transversity generalized parton distributions (GPDs) in spin-3/2 particles are obtained in the light-cone gauge. It is found that they contain 16 independent components for each parton. Their even or odd property is found in terms of skewness variable, and the odd transversity GPDs vanish in the forward limit. There are 16 helicity amplitudes with helicity flip of quark or gluon. We conclude that all the helicity amplitudes, unpolarized, polarized, and transversity helicity amplitudes, have a common factor F(ζ) carrying all the complex part. Here, the variable ζ is the helicity amplitude difference ζ=(λ' -λ)-(μ' - μ) for the amplitude A_λ' μ',λμ. This kinematical factor is associted with the transfer of the orbital angular momentum in the quark- and gluon-spin-3/2 particle scattering amplitudes. We also derive another main physical quantity, transversity distribution, from the transversity GPDs in the forward limit for the spin-3/2 particles.
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