Investigating ω(z) Parametrizations in Horava-Lifshitz Gravity: Observational Constraints with Covariance Matrix Simulation


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This study investigates accelerated cosmic expansion using various cosmological models within Horava-Lifshitz gravity, including BBCCFHKO, Seljak, ASSS, PADE-I, PADE-II, and BAZS, utilizing Equation of State Parametrization. To constrain the cosmological parameters of each model, we incorporate 24 Baryon Acoustic Oscillation points, 30 Cosmic Chronometer points, 40 Type Ia Supernovae points, 24 quasar Hubble diagram points, and 162 Gamma Ray Bursts points, along with the latest Hubble constant measurement (R22). We treat r_d as a free parameter, aiming to extract H_0 and r_d using late-time datasets and obtain optimal fitting values for each parameter in every model. The benefits of treating r_d as a free parameter include reduced bias, improved precision, and enhanced dataset compatibility. The resulting values of H_0 and r_d are relative to the ΛCDM model, showcasing alignment with early Planck and SDSS estimations. We additionally minimize errors by simulating random correlations in the covariance matrix. Furthermore, the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC) support all models, with the ΛCDM model exhibiting the lowest AIC. Evaluation via reduced chi-square statistic confirms reasonable fits for all models. While ΛCDM remains favored, extensions warrant further investigation. This study underscores the importance of exploring alternative cosmological models to deepen our understanding of the universe's fundamental properties and evolution. Continued refinement of models is essential for advancing cosmological research.
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