Multiplet of minima across nuclear landscape

Y. Lei,Y. Lu, H. Jiang, Z. Z. Qin, N. A. Alam, D. Liu,Calvin W. Johnson


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By varying a general pair condensate (VPC), we explore the multiplet of minima in even-even nuclei from sd shell to media-heavy sdg7h11 shell, which may provide the foundation of universal coexistence. The VPC calculation is limited within a single major shell, and thus the conventional interpretation for the coexistence near magic number, i.e., multiple-particle-hole excitation across a major shell gap, does not account for coexistence observed in this work. The inclusion of all possible pairing channel is crucial to this “new” type of shape coexistence, or increase the energy minima of such coexistence. The angular-momentum projected VPC (PVPC) is adopted to further calculate the low-lying level scheme of some light nuclei, and to identify the band structures emerging from the coexistence. Well agreement between the PVPC results and the experimental data is achieved, and thus the picture of universal coexistence is experimentally supported, at least, in light nuclei.
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