Prehabilitation programs in liver resection: a narrative review


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Background and Objective: Liver resection (LR) is a commonly performed surgical procedure for the management of hepatocellular carcinoma and other liver conditions. Despite its benefits in providing patients a potential cure, it is also associated with significant postoperative complications and prolonged recovery periods. In recent years, pre-operative rehabilitation (prehabilitation) has emerged as an up-and-coming strategy to optimize patients' physical, psychological and functional status before LR, leading to improved surgical and patient postoperative outcomes. Hence, our review aims to explore and synthesize the existing literature on prehabilitation in LR to provide an overview of the current evidence to help guide physicians in managing their patients. Methods: A comprehensive literature search was conducted in multiple electronic databases from inception to July 2023. The search strategy was tailored to capture studies investigating the role of prehabilitation in LR, and the factors that contribute to beneficial outcomes in the postoperative period. Key Content and Findings: Prehabilitation programs encompass a multifaceted approach to enhance surgical outcomes and patient well-being. This considers the specific needs of the varying patient populations, such as the elderly, or the cancer ridden. Improving physical fitness, nutritional supplementation and psychological support are the common tenets of prehabilitation. In physical prehabilitation, patients are engaged in intensive physical exercise often by means of a cycle ergometer. Addressing nutritional deficiencies through supplements and dietary interventions is also vital. Psychosocial assessments, advance care planning, music therapy, and progressive relaxation exercises are shown to enhance patient resilience and well-being. In addition, innovative approaches such as optimizing fluid balance, avoiding epidural analgesia, perioperative steroid administration, phosphate correction and branched-chain amino acid supplementation are being explored. Conclusions: Prehabilitation is important in optimizing patients before LR and is key in improving postoperative outcomes. Several prehabilitation strategies exist, but no formal consensus exists on patient selection and an ideal program.
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Key words
Prehabilitation,liver resection (LR),physical exercise,nutritional supplementation,psychological support
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