HIFINet: Examination-Diagnosis-Treatment Hierarchical Feedback Interaction Network for Medication Recommendation

Neural Processing Letters(2024)

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Medication combination recommendation is critical in clinic, since accurately predicting therapeutic drug can provide essential decision support to physicians. However, current approaches do not consider the multilevel structure of electronic health record (EHR) data or the hierarchical dependencies between multiple visits, leading to suboptimal recommendations. To address these limitations, we propose a novel hierarchical feedback interaction network (HIFINet) to utilize an examination-diagnosis-treatment hierarchical network for modeling the inherent multilevel structure of EHR data. The feedback long short-term memory network called FeLSTM, which is the basic unit of our hierarchical network, performs hierarchical interactions and leverages change information as feedback to propagate forward among different levels. Additionally, HIFINet contains four modules. First, an embedding module is designed to learn the health information representation of patients. Second, a three-layer time-series learning module is employed to capture temporal dependencies within each sequence. Next, a differential feedback interaction module is developed to capture the difference features between visits. Finally, an attention fusion module is used to learn a comprehensive representation of the patient’s health information and to recommend next multiple treatment medications. HIFINet is compared with state-of-the-art approaches on a real-world dataset. The results indicate that HIFINet outperforms other approaches, offering more accurate recommendations.
Electronic health record,Medication recommendation,Heterogeneous time series,Hierarchical interactive network
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