Trajectory analysis of hepatic stellate cell differentiation reveals metabolic regulation of cell commitment and fibrosis

Raquel Adela Martinez Garcia de la Torre, Julia Vallverdu, Zhengqing Xu, Silvia Arino, Beatriz Aguilar-Bravo, Paloma Ruiz Blazquez, Maria Fernandez Fernandez, Artur Navarro-Gascon,Albert Blasco-Roset, Paula Sanchez--Fernandez-de-Landa, Joan Pera Garcia, Damia Romero-Moya, Paula Ayuso Garcia,Celia Martinez Sanchez,Laura Zanatto, Laura Sererols, Paula Cantallops Vila,Benedicte Antoine,Mikel Azkargorta, Juan Jose Lozano,Maria L Martinez-Chantar, Alessandra Giorgetti,Felix Elortza,Anna Planavila, Marta Varela,Ashwin Woodhoo,Antonio Zorzano,Isabel Graupera,Anna Moles,Mar Coll, Silvia Affo,Pau Sancho-Bru


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Defining the trajectory of cells during differentiation and disease offers the possibility to understand the mechanisms driving cell fate and identity. However, trajectories of human cells are largely unexplored. By investigating the proteome trajectory of iPSCs differentiation to hepatic stellate cells (dHSCs), we identified RORA as a key transcription factor governing the metabolic reprogramming of HSCs necessary for HSCs commitment, identity, and activation. Using RORA deficient iPSCs and pharmacologic interventions, we showed that RORA is required for mesoderm differentiation and prevents dHSCs activation by reducing the high energetic state of the cells. While RORA knockout mice had enhanced fibrosis, RORA agonists rescued multi- organ fibrosis in in vivo models. RORA expression was consistently found to be negatively correlated with liver fibrosis and HSCs activation markers in patients with liver disease. This study reveals that RORA regulates cell metabolic plasticity, crucial for mesoderm differentiation, pericyte quiescence, and fibrosis, influencing cell commitment and disease mechanisms. ### Competing Interest Statement M.C. and P.S-B. have a patent (EP2016/079464) regarding the hepatic stellate cell differentiation.
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