Global proteome of the saprophytic strain Leptospira biflexa and comparative analysis with pathogenic strain Leptospira interrogans uncover new pathogenesis mechanisms


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Leptospira is a genus of bacteria that includes free-living saprophytic species found in water or soil, and pathogenic species, which are the etiologic agents of leptospirosis. Besides all the efforts, there are only a few proteins described as virulence factors in the pathogenic strain L. interrogans. This work aims to perform L. biflexa serovar Patoc1 strain Paris global proteome and to compare with the proteome database of pathogenic L. interrogans serovar Copenhageni strain Fiocruz L1-130. We identified a total of 2327 expressed proteins of L. biflexa by mass spectrometry. Using the Get Homologues software with the global proteome of L. biflexa and L. interrogans, we found orthologous proteins classified into conserved, low conserved, and specific proteins. Comparative bioinformatic analyses were performed to understand the biological functions of the proteins, subcellular localization, the presence of signal peptide, structural domains, and motifs using public softwares. These results lead to the selection of 182 low conserved within the saprophyte, and 176 specific proteins of L. interrogans. It is anticipated that these findings will indicate further studies to uncover virulence factors in the pathogenic strain. This work presents for the first time the global proteome of saprophytic strain L. biflexa serovar Patoc, strain Patoc1. Significance: The comparative analysis established an array of specific proteins in pathogenic strain that will narrow down the identification of immune protective proteins that will help fight leptospirosis.
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Leptospira biflexa,Leptospira interrogans,Comparative proteomic analyses,Virulence,Pathogenesis,And leptospirosis
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