Authentication using Biometric Data from Mobile Cloud Computing in Smart Cities

2023 3rd International Conference on Advancement in Electronics & Communication Engineering (AECE)(2023)

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Smart cities are cities that are designed to be more efficient, sustainable, and connected. As our cities grow and become more complex, it's important to find new ways to address the challenges that arise, such as security, privacy, and mobility. This is where mobile cloud computing and biometric authentication come in. Mobile cloud computing is a way to provide cloud computing services to mobile devices, which means people can access services and data from anywhere and at any time. Biometric authentication is a method of identifying people based on their unique physical or behavioral characteristics, like fingerprints, facial recognition, or voice recognition. These two technologies can be combined to create a secure and personalized environment for residents and visitors in smart cities. By using mobile devices, IoT devices, wireless sensor networks, and edge computing, we can collect real-time data that can be used for big data analytics and machine learning. This means we can optimize city services, like traffic management, waste management, or energy consumption, and enhance the quality of life for people living in smart cities. However, the use of these technologies also poses significant security and privacy risks, so it's important to design systems that are secure and privacy-preserving. This requires interdisciplinary research and collaboration between experts in different fields. In summary, mobile cloud computing and biometric authentication have the potential to transform smart cities by creating a more secure and personalized environment for residents and visitors. But we must also be mindful of the potential risks and work together to address them.
Internet of Things (IoT),Big Data Analytics,Machine Learning,Artificial Intelligence (AI),Cloud security
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