Selective logging intensity and time since logging drive tropical bird and dung beetle diversity: a case study from Amazonia


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Understanding how selective logging affects biodiversity is crucial to planning cost-effective conservation strategies in tropical forests, yet there is limited understanding of its impacts on fauna functional diversity in the tropical Americas. We assessed how selective logging intensification and time since logging influence multiple metrics of fauna functional integrity in the Brazilian Amazon by collecting bird and dung beetle data within 48 logging management units that had experienced varying exploitation intensities between 1.5-2.0 and 5.0-6.0 years before the faunal surveys. We investigated assemblage responses and used functional attributes to assess changes in functional diversity, specialization, originality and species rarity. Using point counts and pitfall traps, we collected 5081 records of 182 bird species and 7892 dung beetles from 45 species. Logging intensification led to significant declines in most dung beetle responses and bird body mass, whereas time since logging was a key driver of dung beetle and bird functional and taxonomic diversity. Our study presents novel empirical evidence of how logging intensification effects vary across taxa, ecological metrics and time since logging, which is key to informing forest conservation and further investigating environmental degradation impacts on tropical biodiversity.
Amazon rainforest,birds,dung beetles,forest management,functional diversity,habitat degradation,tropical forests
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