Consumer perspectives towards sustainability information in the household appliance marketing: an exploratory study


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In recent years, there has been a noticeable shift in how consumers receive information when purchasing household appliances, with a strong focus on environmental aspects. As consumers become more aware of their negative impact on the environment, companies have adapted their marketing strategies to emphasize sustainability and energy efficiency. However, this influx of information can overwhelm consumers during the decision-making process. Companies use "green marketing" to convey environmental information about their own products, while governments provide this kind of information through standardized data, the energy labels. Nevertheless, effectively communicating this information remains a challenge because consumers often struggle to comprehend overly technical details or assess the reliability of these sources. Moreover, when the information is insufficient or difficult to access, it can lead to negative consumer attitudes, resulting in a phenomenon known as green scepticism. This scepticism can hinder the translation of consumer awareness into actual sustainable behaviors and exacerbate their concerns about companies' unsustainable practices known as "greenwashing". Although awareness of green scepticism in sustainable marketing is growing, existing research is still limited. This study aimed to understand the perspectives of 16 Italian consumers regarding the purchase of highly energy-efficient household appliances. These were well-educated, working-age adults who had bought a household appliance in the last six months. We explored their attitudes and beliefs about the sustainable information in the household appliances market. Preliminary findings reveal that these well-educated consumers care about the environment and consider themselves knowledgeable about energy efficiency. However, they have doubts about the information provided during the purchase phase by companies and industry experts. The lack of clear and transparent information could influence not only their purchase decisions but also their daily use of energy-efficient household appliances. This study offers insights for companies and researchers on how to address the issue related to sustainability information and encourage energy-saving behaviors.
Energy Efficiency,Green Scepticism,Energy Label,Household Appliance,Eco-Anxiety,Green Washing
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