The views of the teachers on artificial intelligence's effects on education process

Jameela saleh naji Alharbi,Fatma Koprulu


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It would be tedious and ineffective for students to try to learn from a teacher who constantly dumps knowledge into their minds while they are in class. The students are full of challenges as a result of their use of technology, particularly artificial intelligence. Incorporating technology is crucial for engaging modern students, as traditional teaching methods are no longer effective. Therefore, teachers must use innovative techniques to overcome the challenges of integrating AI in the classroom. In recent years, there has been a growing inclination towards utilizing modern technologies and methodologies to enhance the overall learning experience. Examples of such technologies include learning management systems, video assisted learning, and virtual reality, all of which can aid in improving student engagement and educational planning. Today, it has evolved to use embedded computer systems and other technologies such as robots with human features using online chatbots to carry out instructors' tasks. responsibilities and autonomous actions or in collaboration with instructors. The purpose of this article is to explore the positive impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on education. The application of AI in education (AIED) provides new opportunities, challenges, and possibilities for educational practices. The goal of this study is to investigate the influence of AI on the educational process of female eighth grade pupils aged 13 to 14 and to identify strategies for overcoming the drawbacks of technology use.
Artificial intelligence,Application,Cognitive abilities,Education,Modern technologies
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