Educational actions on the nutritional value and benefits of fish and shrimp in the santo domingo canton


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The objective of the study is to propose educational actions that allow the population to know the importance of the consumption of fish and shellfish for their health and the benefits they provide. For this, it was necessary to know the current situation of consumption and purchase of fish and shrimp. Two study factors were proposed, the first to find out if the population of the Santo Domingo canton consumes fish and/or shellfish and to determine the preferences, frequency and quantity of fish and shrimp purchases; and the second, to find out if this population considers the need for places to sell fish and/or marinated shrimp. In this regard, the results were not high, that is, actions are needed to increase the consumption of fish and shellfish such as shrimp, due to their high protein value, and content of vitamins and minerals necessary for health. The proposal of several educational actions that can be carried out at the same time was made, in order to inform the population, and create in them the need to consume these products based on fish and shrimp.
Fish,shrimp,nutritional value,educational actions,consumption
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