Molecular modification based on site-directed mutagenesis improves the substrate specificity of 8-ester acyltransferase for L-carnosine synthesis

Ben Xing, Zhiwei Li, Junzhang Chang,Bingbing Xia,Xueqin Hu,Jingwen Yang,Hongbin Zhang


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L-carnosine is a natural 8-peptide compound with a wide range of important physiological functions. In this study, 8-ester acyltransferase (As DmpA) can catalyze the reaction of 8-amino acid methyl ester and 8-amino acid methyl ester to form 8-peptides and can also catalyze the reaction of 8-amino acid methyl ester and L-histidine to form L-carnosine. Therefore, the reaction system will produce a variety of 8-peptides, including L-carnosine. To solve this problem, the substrate specificity of As DmpA was improved by molecular modification to further increase the catalytic synthesis yield of L-carnosine. It was found that L341 W, L341K and L341R in saturated mutations increased the ability to catalyze L-carnosine synthesis. It was also found that the high proportion of Lhistidine in the reaction system was conducive to the synthesis of L-carnosine. When the concentration ratio of Lhistidine to 8-alanine methyl ester hydrochloride is 140:10, the conversion rate of L-carnosine can reach more than 90%. When the concentrations of L-histidine and 8-alanine methyl ester hydrochloride were 140 mM and 210 mM, respectively, the concentration of L-carnosine reached 105 mM by adding 8-alanine methyl ester hydrochloride in batches, which increased the concentration of L-carnosine by 3.28 times compared with the nonbatch feeding. In conclusion, the ability of As DmpA to catalyze L-carnosine synthesis was improved by molecular modification technology and batch feeding methods, which provides an excellent method for the production of L-carnosine.
Molecular modification,8-ester acyltransferase,Enzymatic synthesis,L-carnosine,Substrate selectivity
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