The c e t t e d a d chae ges of de eopg ed yeast ce based The current trend and challenges of developi ng red yeast rice-based food s e fo oe a food supplements for hypercholesterolemia

Gong Chen,Wanbo Chen, Jinhong Xu, Guodong Ma,Xinge Hu,Guoxun Chen


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Hypercholesterolemia is a risk factor of cardiovascular diseases, which have been managed using statin Hype cholesterolemia is a risk facor of cardiovascu ar diseases, whch have been managed using statn drugs. Red yeast rice (RYR) as a traditional food in the Eastern Asia countries has anti-hyperlipidemia drugs. Red yeast ice (RYR) as a traditional food in the Eastern As a countrie has anti hyerlipidemia activity. Recently, a variety of food supplement products containing RYR have been developed to lower blood cholesterol, which is attributed to the presence of monacolins, especially monacolin K (lovastatin, a activi y. Recently a varety of food supplement products containin RYR have been developed to lower blood chole terol which is atrbuted to the presence of monacolins, especially monacolin K (lovasain, a statin drug). This review was aimed to summarize the clinical trials using RYR products to investigate their effects on lipid profiles in humans. Relevant articles of human clinical trials were retrieved from PubMed statin drug). Ths review was aimed to summarize the clnical trials using RYR products to investigate their effects on lipid profiles in humans. Relevant articles of human clinical trials we e etrieved from PubMed and discussed here. Results showed that RYR and its extracts have been included in commercially available products alone and in combinations wih various other materials, which ncue boactive compounds such and discussed here. R sults showed that RYR and its extracts have been included in commercially avalable products alone and in combinati ns with various other materials, which include bioactive ompounds such as coenzyme Q10 and berberine, vitamins, extracts from other plants such as phytosterols, polyunsaturated fatty acids or even probiotics. The durations of the trials ranged from 4 weeks to 60 months. The content of as coenzyme Q10 and berberne, vitamins, extract from other plants such as phytosterols, polyunsaturated monacolin K ranged from 0.32 mg/pack to 10 mg/pack. The data of these human clinical rials demonstrated fatty acids or even probioics. The duratons of the trias ranged from 4 weeks to 60 months. The content of that these RYR supplement products were sufficient to reduce blood cholesterol n different populaions. monacolin K ranged from 0.32 mg/pa k to 0 mg/pack. The data of these human cinical trials demonstrated However, the inclusions of certain materials might not have additive effect. Additionally, studies includng a that these RYR supplement products were sufficient to reduce blood cho esterol in di ferent populations. lovastatin only positve control group with the equivalent dose as that of monacolin K in the RYR products However, the inclusions of certain materials mght not have additive e fect. Additionally, studies including a remain to be done. Furthermore, variations of monacolin K contents and presence of toxic citrinin are still lovastain ony postive control group with he equivalent dose as tha of monacolin K in the RYR products concerns. Last, bioactivities of other components in RYR should be investigated as well. More future studies remain to be done. Furthermore, variations of monacolin K contents and presence of t xic citrinin are still will certainly help to fully explore the potentials of this traditional food in the combat against cardiovascular concerns. Last, bioactivities of other components in RYR should be investgated as well. More future studies will certainly help to fully e and other metabolic diseases. . Publishing .. (c) 2023 Beijing Academy of Food Sciences Publishing services by Elsevier BV on behalf of KeAi Communication Co Ltd This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license .. Communications Co., Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http//creativecommonsorg/license /by nc nd/40/) :.--.. ( nc nd/4.0/).
Cardiovascular diseases,ardiovascu,Cholesterol,Human clinical trials,Food supplement,Human clinical tr,Hypercholesterolemia,Monacolins,Hyperchole,Red yeast rice,Red ye,Statins
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