Wildfires' Effect on Soil Properties and Bacterial Biodiversity of Postpyrogenic Histic Podzols (Middle Taiga, Komi Republic)


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Data on the main properties of Histic Podzols in the pine forests of semi-hydromorphic landscapes in the middle taiga of the Komi Republic after forest fires are presented. A decrease in topsoil horizon thickness by more than 7.6 times, an increase in litter density by 6 times, and a decrease in litter stock by 4 times were observed in postfire soil. There was an increase in carbon content in the pyrogenic horizon (48%) and in the upper part of the podzolic horizon-from 0.49 at the control plot to 1.16% after the fire. The accumulation of all studied trace metals (Cu-from 2.5 to 6.8 mg x kg-1; Zn-from 35.7 to 127.4 mg x kg-1; Ni-from 2.2 to 8.1 mg x kg-1; Pb-from 1.4 to 28.3 mg x kg-1; Cd-from 0.3 to 1.1 mg x kg-1) in soils after wildfires was recorded. The effect of the fire can be traced to a depth of approximately 20-30 cm. A significant influence of the pyrogenic factor on the alpha and beta bacterial diversity was noted. The bacterial response to a forest fire can be divided into an increased proportion of spore-forming and Gram-negative species with complex metabolism as well.
wildfires,boreal forest,Podzols,sequencing,soil microbiome,trace metals,middle taiga
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