Identification of Rare Multiple Core-Mantle Boundary Reflections PmKP Up To P7KP With Deep Learning


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The core-mantle boundary (CMB) marks the most dramatic changes in physical properties within the Earth, and plays a critical role in the understanding of the Earth's dynamics. PmKP waves are seismic phases that reflect (m - 1) times under the CMB and are useful for studying the complex CMB structure. We present an automated workflow for detecting PmKP phases using multi-station records from global seismic stations. We employ a novel sampling method to extract PmKP waveforms into a 2-D matrix. Two deep neural networks are then utilized for initial phase detections and subsequent slowness validations. Numerous PmKPab (3 <= m <= 7) and their CMB diffracted signals were identified for deep earthquakes (magnitude >6) occurred from 2000 to 2020, including diffracted P7KPab waves with diffraction lengths of nearly 20 degrees. Our approach significantly improves the efficiency of PmKP phase identification and holds the capability to detect other weak core phases, such as PKiKP.
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