Strain-induced bands of Bngner formation promotes axon growth in 3D tissue-engineered constructs


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Treatment of peripheral nerve lesions remains a major challenge due to poor functional recovery; hence, ongoing research efforts strive to enhance peripheral nerve repair. In this study, we aimed to establish three-dimensional tissue-engineered bands of Bungner constructs by subjecting Schwann cells (SCs) embedded in fibrin hydrogels to mechanical stimulation. We show for the first time that the application of strain induces (i) longitudinal alignment of SCs resembling bands of Bungner, and (ii) the expression of a pronounced repair SC phenotype as evidenced by upregulation of BDNF, NGF, and p75NTR. Furthermore, we show that mechanically aligned SCs provide physical guidance for migrating axons over several millimeters in vitro in a co-culture model with rat dorsal root ganglion explants. Consequently, these constructs hold great therapeutic potential for transplantation into patients and might also provide a physiologically relevant in vitro peripheral nerve model for drug screening or investigation of pathologic or regenerative processes.
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Schwann cells,peripheral nerve repair,mechanobiology,fibrin,bioreactor
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