Once upon a time... a musical tale! Criteria for its use in early musical learning


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The musical tale is seen as a very useful tool in contexts of early music learning, but is the educational and motivating potential of these tales being taken advantage of in specialized music education? Early music learning is usually carried out in the context of non-regulated education, where there is a deficit of research and published experiences that allow us to know the most commonly used resources, including the musical tale.The presented research aims to extract some keys for the inclusion of musical tales in the teaching and learning process of music. For this, interviews and discussion groups were conducted with experts, and their contributions were analyzed in relation to a definition of musical tale and guidelines for the development and use of these in the context of early music learning. The results allow us to know which elements should underlie a didactic proposal that, starting from a musical tale that serves as a guiding thread, involves a meaningful teaching and learning process of music.
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early musical learning,educational resources,interdisciplinary approach,musical tale
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