Artivism and creativity in teacher education: cemeteries, art and literature


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This research is based on an art education experience that has been possible in a period of research at the Universitat de les Illes Balears UIB, and which leads to a subsequent exhibition of the results at the Casal Solleric contemporary art centre in Palma. The incorporation of themesthat are rarelydealt with in the educational world, such as death or cemeteries, becomes a reason for educational research, promoting art results that are methodologically specified in a case study, in which the complementary Art Based Educational Research ABER. The paper breaks down each of the steps that have been developed, combining the participation of different institutions, grouping strategies where the university and an important art centre come together, especially involving university students. As outstanding conclusions, verify that we can use cemeteries as true museums of memory, introducing death and its rituals in the strategies that will allow us to improve Heritage Education and artistic practice in teacher training.
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Art Education,Cemeteries,Teacher Education,Critical Pedagogy,Emotional Communities
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