Transparent surface radio-frequency trap


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The study of charged particles in radio-frequency (RF) traps is associated with optical response registration. The common issue of optical collection efficiency is caused by the FR trap geometry, which restricts its coupling with optical equipment. To overcome this issue we propose a transparent surface RF traps with Indium Tin Oxide (ITO) thin-film electrodes. ITO sputtering techniques are well known and support deposition on any optical surface. The development of full transparent RF trap is associated with ITO refractive index and optical band gap optimisation while maintaining high electrical conductivity. Here we studied the ITO thin film properties depending on post-annealing temperature. We used the optimal procedure to develop transparent surface RF trap. We demonstrate a stable localization of charged microspheres in the electric field of the developed trap. The proposed approach allows full optical access to trapped charged particle.
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ITO,thin-films,surface RF trap,applied optics
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