An Examination of Canadian and American Pre-Service Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs for 21st Century Literacy Instruction


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This study explores the literacy self-efficacy of 235 Canadian and American pre-service teachers during a 2021-2022 elementary literacy methods course amid COVID-19 disruptions. Utilizing the Teachers' Self-Efficacy Beliefs for Literacy Instruction in the 21st Century (TBLI21c) scale, administered at Time 1 and Time 2, the findings reveal high confidence in eight subscales. While participants displayed increased self-efficacy in diversity and 21st-century competences, early literacy and language skills saw lower confidence. US pre-service teachers exhibited higher self-efficacy initially, evening out by Time 2. These results underscore the need for assessing pre-service teachers' literacy self-efficacy, particularly concerning contemporary literacies and diversity, with implications for program evaluation and course design.
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Pre-service teacher self-efficacy,literacy instruction,pre-service teacher education,21st-century literacy skills
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