Healthcare Internet of Things: A New Revolution


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In today's era, when technology is growing rapidly, the Internet of Things (IoT) is a technology having massive applications, which are employed in various domains. Similarly, the Healthcare Internet of Things (IoT) applies IoT to the healthcare industry. The IoT is indeed a networked platform comprising connectable devices that can acquire, transfer, and store data without human or computer intervention. The IoT promises a plethora of benefits for refining and improving healthcare delivery, including the potential to diagnose, examine, and cure the patient. It reduces the need for human intervention while also allowing for the early diagnosis of health hazards. It is becoming equally important to consider how existing, as well as upcoming, IoT technologies might help healthcare systems provide therapeutic benefits. The goal of this chapter is to provide an understanding of recent IoT in healthcare and to illustrate how the Internet of Things devices are boosting healthcare delivery and how IoT technology may revolutionize and disrupt global healthcare in the coming decade. Healthcare IoT capabilities are additionally investigated in order to theorize how IoT might assist us in moving away from our existing different levels of health systems towards a more integrated, progressive, and continuous approach. Patient care may be ensured on time, and with on-time assistance, treatment expenses can be decreased, and therapies can be made more effective by employing IoT in healthcare practitioners. From smartwatches to cancer care, smartwatches are used to monitor one's health and wellbeing. Finally, this chapter will look into potential concerns with IoT, such as impediments to market acceptability from healthcare providers and consumers, interoperability, security and privacy, remuneration and standardization, information storage, and control and ownership. Policy support, cybersecurity-focused guidelines, rigorous strategic planning, and open policies will be critical enablers of IoT in contemporary healthcare within healthcare organizations. IoT has a lot of potential for enhancing the efficiency of the healthcare system and societal well-being.
Internet of Things (IoT),Healthcare Internet of Things (HIoT),ECG,EEG,EMG,IoT cloud,Adverse Drug Reaction (ADR),cognitive computing
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