
The Effect of the Alliance on Social Recovery Outcomes and Usage in a Moderated Online Social Therapy for First-Episode Psychosis.

Psychology and psychotherapy(2024)

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OBJECTIVES:We investigated the effect of the therapeutic alliance on both change in social recovery outcomes and usage of a moderated online social therapy platform for first-episode psychosis (FEP), Horyzons.DESIGN:Secondary analysis of a single group pilot trial.METHODS:Clients completed an alliance measure adapted for guided digital interventions at mid-treatment. A series of multi-level models evaluated change in outcomes by mid- and post-treatment assessments (relative to baseline) as a function of the overall alliance. Quasi-Poisson models evaluated the effect of the overall alliance on aggregated counts of platform usage. Exploratory analyses repeated these models in terms of the bond (human-human) or the task/goal (human-program) alliance.RESULTS:Stronger overall alliance at mid-treatment predicted lower loneliness at mid-treatment and lower social anxiety at mid- and post-treatment. It was also associated with higher completion of therapy activities and authoring of comments and reactions. A strong bond with an online therapist was associated with lower loneliness and higher perceived social support at mid-treatment, lower social anxiety at post-treatment as well as a higher number of reactions made on the social network. Stronger alliance with the platform's tasks and goals facilitated lower social anxiety at both follow-up assessments and was further associated with higher completion of therapy activities and reactions in the social network.CONCLUSIONS:The alliance may impact aspects of social recovery and usage in digital interventions for FEP. Specific aspects of the alliance (human-human and human-program relationships) should be considered in future research.
digital interventions,engagement,Horyzons,schizophrenia,social recovery,working relationship
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