Research on Wireless Channel Modeling for Complex Water Surface Environments

Xujie Li, Tianzhang Ge, Baochao Wei,Haotian Li, Ning Xu

2023 International Conference on Intelligent Communication and Networking (ICN)(2023)

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Accurate and efficient channel modeling has always been a critical foundation for the deployment and application of 5G communication technology. To meet the requirements of continuous and extensive coverage in 5G, higher demands have been placed on wireless channel characteristics across various scenarios. However, the propagation of wireless signals over water may involve more complex reflection and scattering phenomena. Additionally, the presence of vegetation on water surface further complicates the channel modeling. Addressing these challenges, we assess relevant theories and representative signal attenuation models, and propose a channel model for complex water-based scenarios based on the open water channel model. To ascertain the precision of the proposed model, we establish an experimental platform and conduct measurements on the attenuation of signals across a water pool populated with various obstacles. The results demonstrate that the suggested model more accurately corresponds to the distinctive patterns of wireless signal attenuation encountered within complex water surface environments.
Channel model,multifrequency,pathloss,complex water surface
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