Improve Productivity and Create a Professional Sri Lankan Film Industry

O.K. Wijewardena, M.D.T Saparamadu, Y.A Saparamadu, Devmini Poornima,Dasuni Nawinna,Wishalya Tissera

2023 5th International Conference on Advancements in Computing (ICAC)(2023)

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The entertainment industry is constantly evolving, with filmmakers and producers facing various challenges in the selection of performers, shooting processes, and release scheduling. This research paper addresses the existing issues of standardized systems for performer selection, errors in film shooting, and the lack of scheduling release dates and streaming timelines. To overcome these challenges, we propose the implementation of an innovative system that leverages advanced technologies to enhance decision-making processes throughout the filmmaking journey. Firstly, the casting process can be revolutionized by incorporating emotion detection algorithms, allowing directors to select actors based on emotion scores. This approach not only provides a novel perspective on actor suitability but also ensures a more accurate portrayal of characters' emotional nuances. Additionally, the system incorporates error detection functionalities, which can identify camera rule violations and temporal inconsistencies, thereby streamlining the film shooting process and minimizing costly reshoots. Moreover, the system utilizes film type detections and emotion detection capabilities to suggest optimal months for film telecasts. By analyzing the emotional content and genre of the film, the system can recommend the most appropriate time for maximizing viewership and engagement. Furthermore, the system considers reviewer sentiment analysis, enabling the scheduling of the telecast period based on positive or negative reviews. Lastly, the proposed system provides insights into the optimal telecast duration for a film, considering factors such as genre, target audience, and viewer demand. By analyzing historical data, viewer preferences, and market trends, the system assists film producers in determining the ideal time for a film's telecast, maximizing its reach and impact.
Cinema,Actor classification,Emotion classification,Movie rating,Telecast timing
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