Toxoplasma and Plasmodium associate with host Arfs during infection


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The apicomplexans Toxoplasma gondii and Plasmodium are intracellular parasites that reside within a host-derived compartment termed the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). During infection, the parasites must acquire critical host resources and transport them across their PV for development. However, the mechanism by which host resources are trafficked to and across the PV remains uncertain. Here, we investigated host ADP ribosylation factors (Arfs), a class of proteins involved in vesicular trafficking that may be exploited by T. gondii and Plasmodium berghei for nutrient acquisition. Using overexpressed Arf proteins coupled with immunofluorescence microscopy, we found that all Arfs were internalized into the T. gondii PV, with most vacuoles containing at least one punctum of Arf protein by the end of the lytic cycle. We further characterized Arf1, the most abundant Arf inside the T. gondii PV, and observed that active recycling between its GDP/GTP-bound state influenced Arf1 internalization independent of host guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEFs). In addition, Arf1 colocalized with vesicle coat complexes and exogenous sphingolipids, suggesting a role in nutrient acquisition. While Arf1 and Arf4 were not observed inside the PV during P. berghei infection, our gene depletion studies showed that liver stage development and survival depended on the expression of Arf4 and the host GEF, GBF1. Collectively, these observations indicate that apicomplexans use distinct mechanisms to subvert the host vesicular trafficking network and efficiently replicate. The findings also pave the way for future studies to identify parasite proteins critical to host vesicle recruitment and the components of vesicle cargo.
Toxoplasma,Plasmodium,Arf,host-parasite interactions,vesicular trafficking
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